> 文章列表 > 春节风俗特色介绍英文





春节习俗从农历正月初一开始的节庆活动可谓丰富多彩,多种多样。A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the lunar calendar during the Spring Festival.





We have a lot of traditions during the Spring Festival. First, we clean our houses and sweep away bad luck. Cleaning is believed to dispel negative energy and bring good luck to the family. According to statistics, more than 90% of people in China voluntarily clean their houses before the Spring Festival. This is a widely accepted custom among people of all ages. Moreover, this custom also provides many business opportunities, such as increased sales of cleaning supplies and appliances before the festival.

Second, we paste red couplets and paper-cuts on the doors and windows. The color red symbolizes auspiciousness and happiness, while couplets and paper-cuts are common decorations during the Spring Festival. This custom originated from ancient traditions and has now become an important part of Chinese culture. According to statistics, Chinese people consume a large amount of couplets and paper-cuts during the Spring Festival, driving the development of related industries.

During the Spring Festival, people also wear red Hanfu (traditional Chinese clothing) and tie their hair in a specific way called \"Zuo Cuo Dong.\" Wearing Hanfu represents respect for traditional culture and ancestors, while Zuo Cuo Dong is believed to ward off evil spirits. These costumes and hairstyles not only enhance the festive atmosphere but also promote the sales of related products and clothing.


Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is an ancient and the most important festival in China. Celebrating this festival has formed some fixed customs throughout centuries of history.

1. New Year Cleaning: People clean their houses thoroughly before the festival to sweep away the old year\'s bad luck and welcome the new year\'s good luck. This custom not only brings a fresh and clean start to the new year but also stimulates the sales of cleaning products.

2. Red Decorations: Red is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture. During the Spring Festival, people decorate their doors and windows with red couplets and paper-cuts. It is believed that red decorations can bring good luck and keep evil spirits away. This tradition has become an integral part of the festival and drives the market demand for red decorations.

3. Reunion Dinner: The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions. On New Year\'s Eve, family members gather together to enjoy a lavish dinner. This meal symbolizes unity and represents the wish for a harmonious family in the coming year. The reunion dinner not only promotes family bonds but also stimulates the food and catering industry during the festival.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most significant traditional festival in China. It carries deep cultural meanings and embodies the spirit of family, reunion, and good fortune.

1. Firecrackers and Lion Dance: Firecrackers are set off during the festival to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year with joyous noise. Lion dance performances are also a common sight during this time, believed to bring good luck and ward off evil. These customs create a lively and festive atmosphere, attracting tourists and boosting the entertainment industry.

2. Giving Red Envelopes: Adults usually give red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried adults as a blessing for luck and prosperity in the new year. This tradition not only spreads joy and happiness but also stimulates consumption during the festival.

3. Lantern Festival: The Spring Festival ends with the Lantern Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. People gather to appreciate various lantern displays and solve riddles written on the lanterns. The Lantern Festival symbolizes hope and bright future, and it is a great opportunity for cultural exchanges and tourism.

Chinese New Year Customs in English

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China. People usually decorate their doors and windows with red decorations like couplets and paper-cuts to bring good luck and welcome the new year.

On New Year\'s Eve, families gather for a reunion dinner, which is a time for celebration and sharing blessings. During the festival, people also visit relatives and friends to exchange greetings and red envelopes, which contain money and blessings for the new year.

An iconic tradition during Chinese New Year is the lion dance, where performers dress up as lions and dance to the beat of drums and cymbals. This dance is believed to bring good fortune and drive away evil spirits.

Another important activity is the lighting of firecrackers, which symbolizes the expulsion of bad luck and the welcoming of a prosperous new year. The sound of firecrackers is believed to scare away evil spirits.

Overall, Chinese New Year is a time of joy, family reunions, and well-wishing. It reflects the rich cultural heritage of China and brings people together in celebration.